Saturday, 6 August 2011

Pink champagne

This week I've been out with Bebe to sight seeing as one of my relative was in town. Now bebe wants to be out everyday and she will point to the window and tells me That she wants to go outside. We went to Buckingham palace, big Ben, Oxford street and other places. It makes me realizes how much I love London. The weather was great and it was extremely hot and sunny. The whether reminds me of Hong Kong too. Being moved to the UK when I was in teenage years makes it hard to say where my home is. I guess I see London more of my home as I live/work here and my family is here too but I do wish to spend some time in HK when I retired. Would it be nice to escape the cold weather here and the hot weather in HK and spend six months in each place?

This week I managed to make a pink necklace. The pink is light pink so it is very soft and Subtle. It reminds me of pink champagne. Cheer!

1 comment:

  1. these are lovely ,well done on reaching over 100 likes on FB. Dee x
